Thursday, August 22, 2013

It's been a longtime

So, tonight I noticed that I had not blogged in a longtime. 

I kind of felt like, who cares what I am up to.  I have been really immersed in my work and looking forward to another girls weekend trip.  It is all of my girlfriends 40th birthdays and we are going to Chicago.  I love Chicago, and I love my friends. I know it is a win-win.  I am encouraged as I know we are not bound for a high school reunion.  THANK goodness. 
I have decided that I have little to no interest in EVER doing that again.  EVER!

My Thirty-one business:
I am really excited about my thirty-one business.  I have two recruits who are going to do such amazing things.  One has become qualified and the other is on her way.  I get so excited because I know that they LOVE the products.  JUST LIKE ME! 
I am excited in finding a few new clients and so I am going to begin speaking with friends of friends about all of their friends.  I know that there are amazing, talented, beautiful women out there who could stand some encouraging!  I am just the woman for you. 

My big brother came to visit and so did my nephews from Florida. It was awesome to see them and hang out with them.  I realized that I do miss them more than I realize.  My heart hurt when I had to leave them.  I am excited about the next time I will get to see them:)
I know it won't be long.  I hope I get to go to Marco Island again his year to visit Mom & Dad.

Recently I took my niece M's senior pictures.  I was freaking out.  She has grown up very fast and it seemed to happen while I was not watching.  She is so beautiful.  I am the proudest Aunt ever.  E & M and I went out and we had the most amazing time.  M was changing her clothes and getting her pics taken and it was time that I will never forget.  It feels like yesterday that I was doing E's senior pics and now she is doing well in college.  Life moves fast and if you don't stop and look around sometimes it will pass you by...

My little nephew R had his first day of Kindergarten today.  It was just yesterday that I was rocking him to sleep in his room listening to Blackbird on his lullaby CD.
I can recall holding W when he was little and I didn't want to put him down for fear that the moment would end.  Now, it would be next to impossible to get them to cuddle that way again.  Such precious doesn't get worse-it just gets different. 

My Mom & Dad celebrated their 49th wedding anniversary today.  WOW! 
I know how much of a challenge being my parents is~I am blessed to have them as my Mom & Dad.  I couldn't have picked better parents. 

More to some later...hopefully it won't be another year-I remembered my password to this site.  WILL WONDERS never cease.

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