Tuesday, August 30, 2011

129 days, 11 hours, 35 minutes

...away from turning 40 years old!!!!
Wohoo-Yeah me!

I don't think I could be any happier.  I am fine with knwoing that my body can not do what it used to do, I am okay with seeing all of my neices, nephews grow up.  It is hard to watch but I can do it with pride.
I have beaten the odds and come out the victor.
I feel blessed to still be walking, talking, hiking and dancing. 
I find that most people get all depressed by their age, I on the other hand rejoice in it. 
I was given another opportunity to be alive. 

I know from the deepest parts of my heart that I have been living OUT LOUD for the past 7 years.
If you know me well already this comes as no surprise. 
However, if you have just met me you can not know my struggles by how I carry myself.

My goal is to "act" like I am healthy and just fine. 
I find it makes no sense to focus only on the negative and so I will find a way to
spin something positive.

It is kind of funny, actually.
I had a friend of mine recently say to me
"it is cool that you can focus on all of the positive things that happened".
I let go of the bad and can only recall the good. 
It must be all the anaesthesia over all these years!

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